Sexualized violence

Violence against women
Sexualized violence
No means no! No one has the right to touch or harass you. If you are in distress: 110!
Latest news
Those affected often feel that their situation is hopeless. Get professional help. In acute violent situations, call the emergency number 110.
No one has the right to touch or harass you. If you are in distress: 110!
How can women protect themselves from violence? Where does the danger come from and what are the benefits of using pepper spray to ward off attacks? Marion Heyers gives practical prevention tips.
Victims of intimate partner violence often feel that their situation is hopeless. Seek professional help to get support on the way out of the violence. In acute violent situations, call the emergency number 110.
Child pornography
and abuse
Child pornography is a phenomenon that the NRW police have declared to be a priority in the fight against crime in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Sexual abuse of girls and boys is a topic that unsettles many parents. They ask themselves: "What can we do to protect our child from sexual abuse?" Get advice and help here.
and downblousing
The newly created Section 184k of the German Criminal Code will come into force on January 1, 2021 and provides for a fine or imprisonment of up to two years for the violation of intimate areas through image recordings.
There is no such thing as a typical stalker. Perpetrators come from all social classes and age groups. The term "stalking" is derived from the English verb "to stalk" and means "to sneak up on" or "to encircle prey".
Sex offenders
Since the introduction of the concept for dealing with sex offenders at risk of reoffending (KURS) in NRW in 2010, only 3.1% of them have relapsed. Scientific studies on the recidivism rates of sex offenders predict that around 20 percent of those released from prison will reoffend.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110