Contact officer for intercultural and religious affairs

Contact officer for intercultural and religious affairs
Communication - Understanding - Trust - Consolidation

The contact officer for intercultural and interfaith matters (KIA) creates transparency for police action through regular contact with religious communities, associations and institutions and thus has a positive effect on trust in the police's ability to act.

The close personal contact with associations and religious communities creates a special relationship of trust. This relationship of trust forms the basis for an exchange of information on an equal footing.

This enables the KIA to find out what expectations and attitudes exist in different religious, cultural and post-migrant groups and, in turn, to explain police actions.

Through the close exchange with other police stations and intercultural institutions and the associated networking, the KIA can, if necessary, provide assistance and contacts for a wide variety of topics or projects.

In the Oberberg district, Chief Superintendent Leif Schulmeistrat is responsible for this work. Interested associations or institutions are welcome to contact him and find out more about him and his work.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110