Document investigations

Document investigations
Document investigations
On the trail of Sherlock Holmes. Who can tell me whether documents are genuine and which writing systems were used?

The specialist area of document investigations is divided into two areas of responsibility.

  • Examination of personal documents
  • Examination of typewritten and copied documents

The numerous personal documents sent to us, including passports, driving licenses, identity cards, etc., are examined for authenticity and falsification. The latest physical and technical examination methods are used to detect forgeries and tampering with the documents.

Copying products, typescripts and writing materials are also examined.
This often involves the question of which devices, such as copiers, fax machines, printers and typewriters, were used to produce documents and which machine and copying systems were used.
Questions about the use of certain writing materials or toners are answered with the help of material analysis studies.
Chemical examination methods are also used for this purpose.

Extensive, state-of-the-art equipment enables a large number of forensic findings to be made, which form the basis for the expert reports to be drawn up in the specialist area.
These reports are requested from the State Office of Criminal Investigation as part of criminal proceedings.

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