Manuscript examinations

Manuscript examination
Manuscript examinations
Who still writes by hand in the age of computer technology? Answer: Everyone. Handwritten documents are examined in the handwriting examination department.

In the specialist field of handwriting examinations, handwritten products of all kinds are examined to determine their authenticity or inauthenticity, to identify the author of the writing and to determine the conditions under which they were created. In particular, questionable signatures under a wide variety of documents are checked for authenticity or inauthenticity as part of a comparative handwriting examination.

In addition, questions of possible handwritten changes to documents are raised, as well as the verification of the authorship of completely handwritten documents.

Findings as the basis for expert opinions

The comparative examination of manuscripts includes both the physical-technical examination of handwriting for objective findings and the comparative analysis of handwriting according to methodological principles.

Interpretations of the handwriting regarding the character of the scribe and thus the preparation of graphological reports are not part of the specialist area's remit.


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