Traffic accident prevention videos: Easy as pie on the road

Wuschel bus for traffic accident prevention
Traffic accident prevention videos: Easy as pie on the road
The Oberberg police have created videos to explain safe behavior in road traffic to children, even in times of coronavirus.

Easy as pie - across the road

It's not easy for our traffic accident prevention team at the moment. We normally visit schools and nurseries on a regular basis to make children aware of the dangers of road traffic. There is a particular focus on road safety education in kindergartens, where both children and parents learn what is important when children are on the road. 
Now - in Corona times everything is a little different. With social distancing and face masks, training was only possible to a limited extent and training sessions often had to be canceled completely. 
Nevertheless, these children will soon want to master their way to school independently. For this reason, we have now come up with something different. With child-friendly videos, we show children and parents what is important in road traffic. The videos can be watched in kindergarten or at home. Ideally, the children should then practise what they have learned with an adult. And this is also possible in Corona times. 

You can also download the videos by clicking on the three dots at the bottom right of the video.

Further tips and advice for parents can be found here.


Easy as pie across the road

2:21 District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis

So I can get safely to the other side of the road.


Easy as pie - The traffic island

1:46 District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis

So I can cross the road safely at a traffic island.


Crossing the crosswalk is child's play

1:57 District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis

So I can cross the crosswalk safely.


Child's play at the traffic lights

2:11 District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis

This is how I get through the traffic lights safely.


Easy as pie - The school bus

2:29 District police authority Oberbergischer Kreis

How to behave correctly at the bus stop.


Visibility in the dark

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