Job scamming

Job scamming
Identity theft when applying for jobs on the Internet
In job scamming, perpetrators copy or falsify websites of actually existing companies and create fake job advertisements on the Internet.

The supposed new employer encourages its victims not to go through the selection process by analog means, but to do so online.

He asks his applicants to submit personal data and pictures electronically. They are then supposed to open an account with a bank in order to verify their identity using a video identification process. They are assured that the account is only for identification purposes and will be deleted immediately afterwards.


The video identification procedure of banks

The legally recognized video identification procedure is offered by banks to open accounts online. In a video chat, consumers hold their ID documents up to the camera for identification and answer questions. The procedure replaces the legitimization by the Post-Ident procedure or in the branch.

In job scamming, however, the perpetrators initiate the opening of the account in the applicant's name beforehand, but with false contact details. If the applicant now identifies themselves to the bank using the video identification procedure, the bank opens an account with the false contact details previously provided by the perpetrators. Access to this account is therefore open to the perpetrators.

The person affected usually only finds out about the fraud later. Depending on the use of the account, immense claims for damages may arise.

The police advise:

  • A video identification procedure as part of an online application process is perfectly possible. However, you should always refuse to open an account using the video identification procedure in an application process.
  • If necessary, have your account blocked if you have already taken part in such a procedure.
  • You may also be asked to photograph and send in documents in other business areas, e.g. when shopping online. In any case, file a criminal complaint with the police if you have sent your data to a stranger. This is because copies of your personal identification documents sent in advance are sufficient for the perpetrators to commit criminal offenses.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110